Friday, October 11, 2024
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  • Groom competent teacher educators and researchers capable of imparting world class teacher education and elevate the discipline of education to global standards


  • To elevate the institution as a captivating destination for teacher education in all matters related to teaching / learning research, extension and out reach
  • To mould professional trained teacher educators who could sustain and lead transitions in the global scenario

About us

The School of Pedagogical Sciences was started in 1992 and is housed in a state-of-the-art building in the main campus of Mahatma Gandhi University at Priyadarshini Hills, Kottayam, Kerala. The school has been geared to become a knowledge hub since its inception when Prof. A. Sukumaran Nair, a noted educationist and a veteran scholar headed the University as the Vice Chancellor. The school initiated its functioning with Prof. P.M. Jaleel, as the Director of the School. The school could attain and maintain its stature as an institution providing high quality education as a result of the tireless efforts put in by a dedicated team of faculty members, alumni and students. This team includes Prof. A Sudharma, Prof. P.J Jacob, Prof. Celine Pereira, Prof. T.V. Thulasidharan, Prof. Jaya Jaise and Prof. Minikutty who headed the school at different points of time. Apart from this Prof. K.P. Suresh and Dr. Jayasree P. are among the retired faculty members who rendered their service to the school. Besides, luminaries like Prof. Vedamoni Manuel, Prof. K. Soman, Prof. K. R. Sivadasan, Prof. Mercy Abraham, Dr. Exemmal J., Dr Saratchndra Raj, Prof. Theresa Susan A., Prof. V. Reghu, Dr Paulose, Dr Balachandran Kunji, Dr N. D. Joshi and many others invested their prestigious service as adjunct faculty and External Guides.

The school gives due importance to four major dimensions of education, viz. teaching- learning, research, extension and outreach activities. The school is expected to meet the needs and demands of the global as well as local society. The mission of the school has been to impart quality education to all sections of society on an equitable basis and disseminate knowledge with due importance to research and extension activities. All activities of the school have been aligned to the substantial transformation happening globally in inducing change in the role of teachers as facilitators rather than mere subject experts. In tune with the proliferation of modern technological invasion, especially in the COVID-19 scenario and after, the school has taken pioneering strides in updating teaching-learning styles and research modalities in tune with the new normal conditions.

The school is offering post graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral programmes in Education. Value added Courses, Short term Courses, Bridge Courses, Remedial Courses and other Need-based Courses have also been offered by the school. The students of M.Ed. programme are given choices to select three elective courses from a basket of 18 courses pertaining to Current Practices in Education, Emerging Fields in Education and Professionalizing Teachers in various disciplines. Apart from this Field Immersion and Self Development Courses are unique to the MEd Programme offered by the school. The research priorities for PhD programme include e-Content Development, Psycho-Social Issues, Multimedia Learning Packages, Psychometric Studies, Studies related to Environment & Energy, Learning and Evaluation and the like.

Highlights of the school

  • Qualified, scholarly, committed and vibrant faculty
  • Admission through CAT and systematic process following University roaster
  • A strong bond and a high level of interaction with students at all levels
  • Updated teaching methodologies to make the classroom environment receptive and non-oppressive for its students
  • Addresses the needs of the ‘weak’ by holding special remedial classes for them.
  • Access to all Labs and Library and assist in learning of students
  • Exposure to various seminars, extension talks, lecture series etc., which are a regular feature of the department.
  • Uses audio-video media to help students relate their course work with experiential knowledge
  • Field awareness through Phased Internship programme

Message from the Head of Department

‘Learning is an experience; everything else is just information’ – Albert Einstein

Keeping this philosophy in mind, we at School of Pedagogical Sciences focus on a learner-centric pedagogy that balances learning, doing, and being. To ensure this, our students are taught to intrigue with learning not only in the classrooms, but also outside the classrooms. It is high time that educators need to pause and reflect on the entire system of education to keep abreast with the fast-changing world. Is the present system well-equipped to prepare our students to face the challenges the future holds for them? There is a need to forge ahead with a well-balanced curriculum, facilities that nurture not only academic areas but co-curricular areas too. To make our students updated with the recent innovations, we continuously upgrade our syllabus and this happens with an active participation of industry experts. While revising the syllabus and incorporating co-curricular activities, we strongly believe in doing experiments and trying out new things. As a result of this approach, we have pioneered many new courses in our programme structure and curriculum. Emphasis is on the relevance and social impact of our teaching and research.

A mission that aims to Educate, Enlighten and Empower has proved to be successful time and again. Our mission is to provide an outstanding education and inspire our students to engage in outstanding academic and enriching extra-curricular programmes to emerge as vibrant social engineers.

We aim at sharpening of skills and enhancement of knowledge base in our students through various research and out-reach activities. This is enabled through our faculty members who not only keep themselves at par with the current developments but also contribute to the expansion of the body of knowledge in their field of expertise. We are very proud to have a group of committed faculty members with industry experience who are continuously engaged in the process of overall development of our students. Our students set high expectations for themselves, enjoy teaching and the community is constantly rewarded by their achievements. Thus, we try to mould a group of committed youth having value-based mind-set that balances personal welfare and social good through a combination of academics, research and community engagement.

The dizzying pace of innovation has led to new advancements in technology bringing forth exciting discoveries every day in the world of learning and teaching. How can students thrive successfully despite the volatility in the pedagogic environment? The key to staying ahead requires young minds to be open to learn, unlearn, and re-learn. The ability to explore the unfamiliar and being able to see a new world of possibilities is looked upon as a desirable trait in the field of management. A curious mind has the tendency to look beneath the surface of the normal and discover the new.

Nurturing creativity, inspiring students to develop confidence and an eager mind that is receptive to learning the new are few of the key objectives that the School of Pedagogical Sciences (SPS) strives to achieve. Student teachers graduate into a world of intense competition and have to confront challenges in their corporate life. But hard work and determination could steer them ahead
The M.Ed. programme offered by School of Pedagogic al Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, offers a potpourri of events, training sessions, competitions, Quizzes, games, team building activities, MOOCs, self-development and value-added courses to infuse a learning mindset among students. A team of dedicated faculty members is committed to the overall development of students and dispense their efforts in preparing them for a promising future. Prior to concluding, let me quote: “Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious, and however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.” – Stephen Hawking

SPS – Beckons you on a journey of learning and discovering your true potential!

Mandatory Disclosure

SPS MGU Documentary Feb 2024

Promo Video 2024

Academic Profile Feb 2024

Promo Video 

Promo Video 2023

Documentary 2023

National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)
