Friday, March 28, 2025
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The School of Pedagogical Sciences provides excellent infrastructural as well as instructional facilities for academics, research and extension activities, in tune with the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) requirements.

School Building

The School Building is traditionally arranged around a courtyard. The amazing campus buildings and structures that enhance student life and the Teacher Education experience as a whole. The buildings consist of offices, lecture halls, classrooms, faculty rooms and laboratories.

Psychology Lab

The Psychology Lab has several tools, equipment’s tests and apparatus for education and psychometric testing.

Computer Lab

The Computer Lab has computers with internet & LAN facilities, online journals, subject specific databases, e-learning facilities, access to digitized theses & other digital library resources of the University.


The Library has a seating capacity for 60 and areas apportioned and prominently displayed for books, theses, dailies & magazines, reading, and internet access. Library provide access to wide range of books on Education and allied areas, Periodicals, and e-resources. The library opens on all working days from 9am to 5pm. The Library is well organized using Dewey Decimal Classification system for arrangement of books. The Library services are automated, with world widely used Open Source Integrated Library management software named KOHA. Online Public Access Catalogue of the library is available. At the beginning of every academic year User orientation is given to all students for maximizing use of available information resources. Presently the Library has a total collection of 6540 books. Every year the collection of books is updated with latest books, on approval of the Book Purchase Committee. Library also consists Ph.D., M.Phil. & M.Ed.  Theses/Dissertation in Education, Soft copies of previous question papers, Newspapers & Periodicals, IT corner with 2 computers, access to e-resources of the University like online journals, e-books, digital repositories, databases & INFLIBNET under the UGC Digital Library Consortium.
Links to University Library system

Online Public Access Catalogue:
E-resources of University Library system:
Google Scholar:
Google books:
Directory of Open Access journals:
Directory of Open Access books:
Open DOAR quality-assured global directory of academic open access repositories:
Digital repository of Indian Theses and Dissertations
Synopsis of research topic submitted to the universities in India by research scholars:
Open Text books:
Association of Learning Technology Open Access repository
Ask the Librarian:

Multipurpose Hall

Multipurpose Hall used for different types of events and/or activities involving a lot of people.

Educational Technology Laboratory

The Educational Technology Laboratory is well equipped, with LCD projector, digital camera, overhead projectors, slide projectors, film strip projectors, television, tape recorders, DVD player and other equipment required for teaching learning process.

Smart Classroom

The Smart Classroom foster opportunities for teaching and learning by integrating learning technology, such as computers, specialized software, audience response technology, assistive listening devices, networking, and audio/visual capabilities.


The Playground is designed for outdoor sports, athletics, concerts, and other events. 


Conference Hall

The Conference Hall is provided for events such as conferences, seminars, workshops and meetings. 


Student Services and Facilities

There are a range of Student Services and Facilities are available. It will contribute to the complete education of students. They include: recreation centres, Commercial Banks, ATM, Post Office, residential buildings, dining halls, Xerographic services and many other facilities that provide space, programmes, experiences and challenges.

Geotagged Photos of ICT Facilities